Romagna Tech S.C.P.A.
Romagna Tech is and industrial research lab and innovation centre of the High Technology Network, with a long-term experience in technological transferring, business services, management of incubators and support for innovative startups. Romagna Tech cooperates at the dissemination and promotion activities of the Ravenna Technopole – Faenza premises.
Romagna Tech has a wide experience in the ICT and mechanics laboratory, carrying out activities like industrial research, designing, prototyping and development of innovative solutions for companies in the following industries: automation, IOT technologies, electric vehicles, 4.0 industry platforms, production machines, monitoring systems with sensors and computer vision.
Thanks to the specialized and cross-sector expertise, Romagna Tech is able to approach the dissemination activities, focusing in particular on the active participation of the companies and on the application potential of the research results. The strong partnership between the Romagna Tech staff and the laboratories involved is a guarantee for a constant coordination of the research and development and the communication phases.
Romagna Tech will support the LiBER project in the development and testing phases of the prototypes at the demonstration lab, actively working on the electric/electronic and mechanic components. The activity will incorporate all the propaedeutic elements which may enable a future industrialization of the project.
In addition, Romagna Tech will be in charge of the dissemination activity, with a special focus on business companies.
These development strategies will implement the ICT and mechanic expertise of the structure and will further investigate the subjects of energy management and of accumulation systems for the automotive industry and sustainable mobility, as well as transferring knowledge to other sectors.

Elio Amadori
Tel. +39 0543 1803378 Garibaldi 49 – 47121 Forlì (FC)